Thinking & Shifting In A System - Design, Policy, Business

#insights post: Thinking and Shifting in a System requires articulating the root challenge which mandates observing, learning and sharing together across a broader spectrum while remaining close to everyday technical challenges.

Last few months have presented more opportunities for integration across design, policy, business in acting for planet/living systems.

🔶Design - Designing With Public Purpose For Everyday Life  

🔹Intriguing lessons worth interweaving:

  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast. – Peter Drucker

  • Technology is the answer but what was the question? Cedric Price

  • Strategic design is about asking questions around the conditions that produce situations.

  • It’s really difficult to shift the dark matter unless you work with the matter.

  • Rethink understandings of technology: as culture as infrastructure as place.

  • We are suffering from imagination failures.

  • Streets are about errands and epiphanies.

  • Enable shared understandings.

  • Reframe and widen as a diverse, complex system and invite others.

  • Systems can’t be mapped or engineered in abstract.

Shared previously via X. Link to slides

@DanHill @cityofsound London Policy&Strategy Network


🔶Policy - Civic Futures: Provocations & Experiments In A Civic System

 ðŸ”¹Interesting provocations worth considering:

  • Transformative social change has always started in and with civil society – Civic Futures Programme.

  • Systems grow at the edges – but can we connect them back into the centre.

  • How can art help tell stories that bring diverse voices together to understand the same visions.

  • How can civic movements be part of city making.

🔹Key questions for meaningful engagement across the citymaking system - How are we…

  • Creating spaces for play and speculation?

  • Bringing our whole selves to leadership?

  • Telling stories that hold us in relationship?

  • Building collaborations across civic silos?

  • Finding creativity in the technicality?

  • Stewarding for long-term transformation?

 @Koreo @DarkmatterLabs @theyoungfoundation @GLA @NedYounger @PalakDudani @Tunde Olayinka @MamaUjuaje @JoonLynn @AngieFarrance @Davidheinemann


🔶Business & Industry - Now for Nature: Developing And Publishing A Credible Nature Strategy And Contributing To A Nature-Positive Future

🔹Useful tips for building resilience in business and industry:

⚪Build the evidence case

  • Nature loss is a growing business risk in tandem with climate risk. It matters for climate change, human health tied into long-term business success. Figures. LSE  

  • Regulations are on the horizon – Risk and Regulatory landscape shifting - on the back of TCFD - Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Global Biodiversity Framework EU Deforestation regulation.

⚪Identify the long term impact lens and its influence on dependencies

  • Strategy should include: materiality assessments (linked with governance), SMART targets aligned with material impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities, C-suite, board approval. Example Links.

⚪Shape and Influence


  • Learn from interconnected climate resilience strategies and integrate together with nature, acknowledge the necessary differences as opportunity areas and create a business case.

  • Think local context and global impact.

  • Implement and gain buy-in through top and bottom up simultaneously.

  • Use the creativity of the youth and emerging leaders to build capacity over longer term and contribute to success overtime.


  • Mitigate and value create across the system – find opportunities in these areas to deepen impact.

  • Engage with traditional communities and local stewards – co think/co-build.

  • Source Ethically.

  • Use existing data and tools to get started– acknowledge its limitations.

  • Trends and legislation are shifting towards authentic messaging.

  • Advocate, share best practice and showcase lessons learned.

@nowfornature @johnsabet @michaelofosuhene-wise @evazabey @lynnebaber @benmatthews @lucycoast @tommaddox@dianeholdorf @Hannahgreen @timchristopherson @marcelobehar @sebastiansoleille

Useful links:

Slides for Designing with Public Purpose

Recording for Civic Futures  

Business case

Nature Strategy Handbook


#critical knowledge stitching #futuresthinking


Sharing Reflections and Lessons Learned


Cross Sector Knowledge & Collaborative Pathways